I have a button at the top of my page that enables the use of a separate stylesheet for printing, I have a normal print.css that enables everything when printing and I have a acrfprint.css which just prints certain elements out. Someone on here gave me some help getting this to work last week using the following JS:
$('link').first().removeAttr('href').attr('href', '_includes/css/acrfprint.css');
This works perfectly but the only issue is that the button doesn't really give you any idea if the acrf-print.css has been enabled or how to disable it.
Basically the HTML I'm using it this:
<div id='acrfContaineroff'>
<button id='acrf' class='noPrint noPrint-acrf'>Enable Annotation Print Mode</button>
(I know I'm using ' instead of " but that's because it's nested in VBScript)
What I want to do is when the button is clicked, change the stylesheet to acrfprint.css and then display the following HTML instead
<div id='acrfContaineron'>
<button id='acrf' class='noPrint noPrint-acrf'>Disable Annotation Print Mode</button>
When the disable button is selected I want the css to return to print.css
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since your questions look like you just started with javascript.. maybe you should just change the button to a checkbox?
<div id='acrfContaineroff'>
<button id='acrf' class='noPrint noPrint-acrf'>Enable Annotation Print Mode</button>
<div id='acrfContaineroff'>
<input type='checkbox' id='acrf' /> Enable Annotation Print Mode
and the javascript into:
if( $('#acrf').is(':checked') ){
$('link').first().removeAttr('href').attr('href', '_includes/css/acrfprint.css');
$('link').first().removeAttr('href').attr('href', '_includes/css/print.css');