I'm using jQuery-file-upload to upload files and set formdata as below:
actionUrl = '<c:url value="/nnmis/view/yjzh/addYjlx.tg"/>';
submit: function (e, data) {
var station = $('#formtype').combobox('getValue');
if(station == null || station==''){
return false;
at server side, the second parameter(station) in formdata is null. But if i set it to a constant the server side can get it:
I'm sure the combobox of $('#formtype') have value but the server get null. Is it a bug of jQuery-file-upload?
The server side is quite normal of a private String varible with setter and getter:
private String station;
public String getStation() {
return station;
public void setStation(String station) {
this.station = station;
public void add() {
try {
String person = request.getSession()
String username = request.getSession().getAttribute("fr_username")
String org = request.getSession().getAttribute("session_orgid")
String serverDir = ServletActionContext.getServletContext()
if (!"\\".equals(serverDir.substring(serverDir.length() - 1))) {
serverDir = serverDir + "\\";
if (station == null || station.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("请选择所属站!");
JsonArray jArray = new JsonArray();
if (files != null) {
String origin = "";
String format = "";
String savename = "";
String savePath = "";
File ofile = null;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
ofile = files.get(i);
origin = filesFileName.get(i);
format = origin.substring(origin.lastIndexOf("."));
File waitSaveFile = new File(serverDir + "cloudFiles\\"
+ username + "\\" + origin);
if (waitSaveFile.exists()) {
int index = 0;
String temporigin = origin.substring(0,
do {
index = index + 1;
waitSaveFile = new File(serverDir + "cloudFiles\\"
+ username + "\\" + temporigin + "("
+ index + ")" + format);
} while (waitSaveFile.exists());
savename = temporigin + "(" + index + ")" + format;
} else {
savename = origin;
waitSaveFile = null;
savePath = serverDir + "cloudFiles\\" + username + "\\"
+ savename;
File saveFile = new File(savePath);
FileUtils.copyFile(ofile, saveFile);
JsonObject jObject = new JsonObject();
jObject.addProperty("name", filesFileName.get(i));
jObject.addProperty("size", 1);
jObject.addProperty("delete_type", "GET");
outJsonPlainString(response, "{\"error\":false,\"files\":" + jArray.toString() + "}");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
outJsonPlainString(response, "{\"error\":true}");
You can try to use the fileuploadsubmit
event like
actionUrl = '<c:url value="/nnmis/view/yjzh/addYjlx.tg"/>';
url: actionUrl
$('#fileupload').bind('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) {
data.formData = {
pubdate: $('#formdate').datetimebox('getValue'),
station: $('#formtype').combobox('getValue')
if (!data.formData.station) {
$.messager.alert('提示', '所属站不能为空!', 'error');
return false;