I've been building my first (somewhat large) tomcat/mysql project. Things have been going well, but now that I want to place my servlets into packages (and import classes) things don't want to compile.
Servlet Repository: C:\tomcat\webapps\web\web-inf\classes\com\coreservlets
Package name: com.coreservlets
cmd shell command(compile): (I know this classpath / compile path works)
javac -classpath c:\apache\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar LoginHandler.java
I have two servlets in the repository (one compiles, the other doesn't). The one that doesn't compile gets this message when compiling
LoginHandler.java:16: error: cannot find symbol
import com.coreservlets.MyUser;
symbol: class MyUser
location: package com.coreservlets
my XML:
The LoginHandler code snippit
package com.coreservlets;
import com.coreservlets.MyUser;
The MyUser code snippit
package com.coreservlets;
The MyUser.java file will compile without and trouble. Only the LoginHandler fails to compile. I see that it understands where the class MyUser is, and sees the package location... what am I doing wrong here?
*This is what I am trying to do more or less (just get servlets packaged and be able to import/export java classes/constructors: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/servlets/servlets-packaging.htm
You have problem with classpath. There are many ways to solve it, the simplest is call
javac -classpath c:\apache\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar *.java
BTW, more precise, but also very simple tutorial is http://www.mkyong.com/servlet/a-simple-servlet-example-write-deploy-run/