How to use this Octave/Matlab inline function in Scilab?
u = inline('t>=0') where t=0:0.001:1.
y = (u(t-0.2)-u(t-0.3))
I tried it in Scilab as
But I am getting an error as "invalid index" in determining 'y'.
Unlike in Matlab, invoking (t>=0)
gives you a boolean vector, its entries are True or False. Since you want 1s and 0s, you need bool2s
to convert from boolean to integers:
After that you can invoke the function like any other:
t = 0:0.001:1
y = u(t-0.2)-u(t-0.3)
Personally, I never see the need for inline functions in Scilab. If I were writing the above, I would declare the function normally:
function y = u(t)
y = bool2s(t>=0)
Unlike Matlab, Scilab allows you to have such functions appear wherever you want them in the script.