I have been developing a Scilab function where I need to have persistent variable of the matrix type. Based on my similar question I have chosen the same approach. Below is the code I have used for test of this approach.
function [u] = FuncXYZ(x)
global A;
global init;
if init == 0 then
init = 1;
A = eye(4, 4);
u = A(1, 1);
As soon as I have integrated the function inside my Xcos simulation I have been surprised that I see "0" at the output of the scifunc_block_m.
Nevertheless I have found that in case I use below given command for "return" from the function
u = A(3, 3);
the function returns really the expected "1". Additionaly if I take a look at the Variable Browser on the top right corner of the Scilab window I can't se the expected A 4x4
item. It seems that I am doing something wrong.
Can anybody give me an advice how to define a persistent variable of the matrix type inside the Scilab function? Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Global variables are by default initialized with an empty matrix. Hence, you should detect first call with isempty()
function [u] = FuncXYZ(x)
global A;
global init;
if isempty(init)
init = 1;
A = eye(4, 4);
u = A(1, 1);
BTW, your code is incorrect, there is no endif
in Scilab.