static {
MessageDigest d;
try {
d ="MD80"); <-- MD80 is no valid algorithm
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
hasher = d;
JVM will automatically execute these static initialiation statements when the class is loaded into JVM. That means, runtimeexception
exception was thrown at load time.
Now, if I run such a class ( via eclipse ) I get a flood of exceptions originating from static blocks in the console.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: MD8 MessageDigest not available
at BloomFilter.<clinit>(
Caused by: MD8 MessageDigest not available
at BloomFilter.<clinit>(
But, here is the doubt. This exception was thrown at 'load time'. How was it displayed at runtime in the console ? Was this exception thrown and stored somewhere between 'load' and 'runtime' ?
Basically I am looking to understand what happens between 'loadtime and runtime' once the exception has been thrown in static block ?
There is no such thing as "load time" - there is only "runtime". When the JVM starts, it determines which classes it needs to load; static initializes are executed whenever they need to be; for example right after loading the class.