Hi all I'm learning DataView and TypedArrays.
I have an array of LONG's and USIGGNED_LONG's, I'll just paste the LONG one below.
I've been trying to swap the array at bottom which is in ARGB to be RGBA. The first step I do is making it a Uint32Array
but that after that I'm having trouble swapping bytes. Thanks
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(argb_16x16_LONG.length * 4);
var view = new DataView(buffer);
var argb_16x16_LONG = [
You can use the read methods of DataView to read 16 or 32 bit values as little-endian or big-endian (default) like this:
var uint32lsb = view.getUint32(0, true); // little-endian, from byte-position 0 in buffer
var uint32msb = view.getUint32(0, false); // big-endian, last argument is optional
and of course the same for getInt32()
(single bytes of course, does not have endianess, ie. getInt8()
If the buffer is in big-endian and you read it manually as big-endian you can now shift and mask the values for each byte like this:
var a = (uint32be & 0xff000000)>>>24;
var r = (uint32be & 0xff0000)>>>16;
var g = (uint32be & 0xff00)>>>8;
var b = uint32be & 0xff;
If you read it as little-endian, just reverse the order:
var a = uint32le & 0xff;
var r = (uint32le & 0xff00)>>>8;
var g = (uint32le & 0xff0000)>>>16;
var b = (uint32le & 0xff000000)>>>24;
You can also read single bytes as long as you know the original order of the buffer. For example, if the buffer is big-endian you can read the four first bytes like this:
var pos = 0;
var a = view.getUint8(pos++);
var r = view.getUint8(pos++);
var g = view.getUint8(pos++);
var b = view.getUint8(pos++);
In your example the buffer is empty though so you will only get 0´s. To create a typed array buffer with 32 uint values, and then get a DataView
you can do:
var buffer32 = new Uint32Array(argb_16x16_LONG);
var view = new DataView(buffer32.buffer); // or the original argb_16x16_LONG directly
(They point to the same underlying ArrayBuffer so there is no new memory allocated for the buffer.)
Hope this helps.