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C++ having issue with my variable going back to zero

Having a problem with the value the user score not going back to 0 after the program is done i think I messed up the brackets somewhere and help will be highly appreciated.

the point of this code is to make a simple text based c++ program that will have a series of three menus and will add to a score after each menu

            int main()

                //declare and initialize variables

                int menuChoice = 0, highscore = 0, race = 0, weapon = 0, userscore = 0, enemy = 0, randomscore = 0, enemydamage = 0, enemydamage1 = 0, enemydamage2 = 0 ;
                string username, username1 ;

                srand(time(NULL)) ;
                ifstream infile ;
                ofstream outfile ;


                    cout<<"------------------Welcome to the Arena Get ready to Fight------------------\n\n" ;                                             

                //prompt for username
                cout<<"Please tell me your First Name:   "; 
                cin>>username ; 

                cout<<"\n\n" ; 

                //display menu 


                cout<<"Hello "<<username<<endl ; 
                cout<<"Please choose from the following menu:\n";
                cout<<"1) See Rules\n2) Play Game\n3) Quit\n";

            //prompt for menu choice
            cout<<"Enter your choice here: ";

                //switch structure
                    case 1:
                    //display rules

                    cout<<"Welcome to the Arena "<<username<<"you will be given 3 choices which will let you choose your race, weapon, and enemy. Eacho choice has its own point value which might be random or a fixed number the goal is to surive and not have you health hit 0\n\n" ;       


                    case 2: 
                    //Game Intro

                    cout<<"Welcome "<<username<<" time to fight!!!!!!\n" ;      

                    randomscore = rand()%100 + 1 ;      

                    //display menu
                    cout<<"Please choose a Race\n";
                    cout<<"1) Elf\n2) Dwarf\n3) HUman\n";

                    //Prompt user to choose race        
                    cout<<"Enter your choice here: ";
                    if (race < 1 || race > 3) 
                    cout<<"Invalid. Must be a Valid Menu Choice between 1-3.\n\n";
                    while(race < 1 || race > 3) ;

                    if ( race == 1)
                     userscore += 100 ;
                    else if (race == 2 )
                        userscore += 200 ;
                    else {
                        userscore += randomscore;

                            //display userscore

                            cout<<"Nice Choice "<<username<<" your current score is "<<userscore<<endl; 

                    //menu 2 
                    cout<<"Please choose a Weapon\n";
                    cout<<"1) Sword\n2) Axe\n3) Bow\n";

                    //prompt user to choose a weapon 
                    cout<<"Enter your choice here: ";
                    if(weapon < 1 || weapon > 3)            
                        cout<<"Invalid. Must be a Valid Menu Choice between 1-3.\n\n";
                while(weapon < 1 || weapon > 3) ;

                        if (weapon == 1)
                            userscore += 60 ; 
                        else if (weapon == 2)
                        userscore += randomscore ; 
                        (userscore += 100) ;
                        //display userscore

                        cout<<"Hope that can help you "<<username<<" your current score is "<<userscore<<endl;

                    //menu 3
                    enemydamage = rand()%100 + 1    ;
                    enemydamage1 = rand()%200 + 1   ;
                    enemydamage2 = rand()%50 + 30   ;

                    cout<<"Please choose a Enemy\n";
                    cout<<"1) Orc\n2) Troll\n3) Goblin\n";

                    //prompt user to choose a enemy 
                    cout<<"Enter your choice here: ";
                    if(enemy < 1 || enemy > 3)
                    cout<<"Invalid. Must be a Valid Menu Choice between 1-3.\n\n";
                    while(enemy < 1 || enemy > 3) ;

                    if ( enemy == 1 )
                        userscore -= enemydamage ;
                    else if  ( enemy == 2 )
                        userscore -= enemydamage1 ;
                        userscore -= enemydamage2 ;

                    cout<<"Its time "<<username<<" to show you your score\n\n"; 

              "highscore.txt", ios::in);  
                        infile>>username1>>highscore ;
                        infile.close() ; 

                        (userscore < 0 )    
                            //display you are dead try again
                            cout<<"Your Are dead try again\n" ; 
                    else if (userscore < highscore) 
                        //display userscore
                        cout<<"Nice Job!! "<<username<<" but you didn't beat the High Score, your final score is "<<userscore<<endl;


              "highscore.txt", ios::out) ;
                        outfile<<username<<"\t"<<userscore ;
                        cout<<"Nice Job Your Final Score is "<<userscore<<" and that beats the High Score\n\n";

                        case 3: //Dislpay program Exit
                        cout<<"Have a Nice Day!!\n\n"  ;


                        cout<<"Invalid. You must choose 1 - 3 from the menu.\n\n"  ;


                while(menuChoice !=3) ;

             return 0;


  • You should reset the variable:

    userscore = 0;

    either at the start of do statement or before the end of while statement. This will solve your problem.