I am designing counter using vhdl using planahead software, anyway I am using if statment but it gave many errors . the purpose of the counter is to count Ascending/Descending from 1 to 10 and the opposite. In case of Ascending I reset the out when it get to 9 to count again from 0. And in case Descending reset the out when it gets 0 and give 9 as new value . and I am using switch button on the board to switch between Ascending/Descending counting. Below the if statment and the errors . I dont know if I use it on the write form . Plz if anyone have an idea would be perfect.
Line:27- if(inc_dec='1') then
Line:28 if (r_reg=M-1) then
Line:30 else r_reg+1;
Line: 31 elsif (inc_dec='0')then
Line:32 if (r_reg=M-10) then
Line:34 else
end if;
end if;
end if;
Line:27 [HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "if".
Line:28[HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "then".
Line:30[HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "else".
Line:31[HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "then".
Line:32[HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "then".
Line:34[HDLCompiler 806] Syntax error near "else".
As pointed out by Morten Zilmer, you need to terminate the if/else with an end if. Also there have been some missing semicolons. The code below should work.
if (inc_dec='1') then
if (r_reg=(M-1)) then
r_next <= (others=>'0');
end if;
elsif (inc_dec='0') then
if (r_reg=(M-10)) then
r_next <= to_unsigned(9, r_next'length);
end if;
end if;
Update: Jonathan Drolet is right. Changed
r_next <= (others=>'9');
r_next <= to_unsigned(9, r_next'length)
in the code