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Architecture in Eclipse

How can I change architecture in Eclipse from x86 to pdp11, what flags do I need, and do I need adjust cross-compiler, thanks in advance


  • You can't since a PDP-11 is a 16bit computer it can't be equiped with the necessary resources to run eclipse ;-)

    EDIT: Sorry that I had the impression that this is somekind of fun question (now I have to give a more serious answer). Assuming you want to create C code:

    • You need to download eclipse CDT

    • and MinGW add the bin directory to you PATH

    • create a C project and edit the project properties "C/C++ Build" and set the required options for code generation see

    GCC PDP Options for options like

    Use Unix assembler syntax. This is the default when configured for


    Use DEC assembler syntax. This is the default when configured for any

    PDP-11 target other than `pdp11-*-bsd'.

    Hope this helps. Maybe you need some additional packages for gcc, since I don't believe it comes with PDP features out of the box.