I'm trying to get KitchenCI to build test instances inside my Amazon VPC. I have this working, however when Vagrant goes to attempt to connect to the ec2 instance, it uses the instance's external (public) IP vs it's internal (VPC) IP. Is there any way to change this in Vagrant?
name: chef_solo
- name: centos-6.5
name: vagrant
- name: amazon
name: ec2
image_id: ami-ed8e9284
flavor_id: t2.medium
aws_ssh_key_id: DevOps
ssh_key: /Users/djimenez/.ssh/devops_rsa.pub
availability_zone: us-east-1a
subnet_id: subnet-1903a976
require_chef_omnibus: true
iam_profile_name: atc
ebs_delete_on_termination: true
security_group_ids: sg-7461ae1b
Looks like I needed to add the following to my .kitchen.yml:
name: ec2
interface: private
The docs say:
The place from which to derive the hostname for communicating with the instance. May be dns, public or private. If this is unset, the driver will derive the hostname by failing back in the following order:
- DNS Name
- Public IP Address
- Private IP Address
The default is unset.