Here is a piece of very simple piece of Java code that evaluates some JavaScript code:
public static class Logger
public log(String line)
public static void main(String[] args)
NashornScriptEngineFactory factory = new NashornScriptEngineFactory();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getScriptEngine(new String[]
engine.put("log", new Logger());
"var ifExists = function(checkExists, otherwise)" +
"{" +
"if(typeof checkExists !== 'undefined')" +
"{" +
"return checkExists;" +
"}" +
"else" +
"{" +
"return otherwise;" +
"}" +
"};" +
"log.log(ifExists(someVariableThatIsUndefined, 'this string should be returned'));"
When it tries to run the ifExists(someVariableThatIsUndefined, 'this string should be returned') the engine throws a fit saying that someVariableThatIsUndefined is..well undefined which defeats the purpose of the utility method for checking if something is undefined.
Is there any possible way that I could pass 'someVariableThatIsUndefined' to a function that returns that variable if it is defined otherwise return something else.
The only limitation is governed by the params parsed to the engine "-strict, --no-java, --no-syntax-extensions"
you can test function existing or not with
window['myFunctionName'] !== 'undefined'
or in case of a property
this['myPropertyName'] !== 'undefined'