I need your help in getting the values of a list into two variables. My list is having descriptions and codes. However, I need to place the descriptions in a variable and the codes in a different variable, so how can I achieve this.
My Code is
private String[] selectedCertificates;
private List<SelectItem> Certificates;
public List<SelectItem> getCertificatesList(){
Certificates = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
Certificates.add(new SelectItem("Certificate A","A"));
Certificates.add(new SelectItem("Certificate B","B"));
return bankCertificates;
public void setCertificates(List<SelectItem> Certificates) {
this.Certificates = Certificates;
// Setters and Getters
Select Item Code:
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="Certificates" value="#{user.selectedCertificates}"
layout="pageDirection" disabled="#{user.secondToggle}">
<f:selectItems value="#{user.Certificates}" var="bankCertificates"
itemLabel="#{user.CertificatesString}" itemValue="#{user.CertificatesCode}"/>
where can I define that the description should be the first value and the code should be the second value in the list and I can use them in the page.
class SelectItem {
private String code;
private String description;
SelectItem (String code, String description) {
this.code = code;
this.description = description;
public String getCode () {
return code;
public String getDescription () {
return description;
Here is your main class
class MainClass {
public static void main (String...arg) {
//construct your list here using SelectItem class objects
List<SelectItem> certificates = = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
certificates.add(new SelectItem("Certificate A","A"));
certificates.add(new SelectItem("Certificate B","B"));
//now first read the SelectItem objects you have added to the list
//or you can also iterate through the list, modify accordingly
SelectItem si1 = certificates.get(0);
//to read the code and description use the getters defined in SelectItem
si1.getCode(); si1.getDescription();
You can also choose to create a method to which you can pass the index which you wish to read from the list. Hope, this helps.