I have a .jar file, calling it like this:
java -jar qr-0.1.jar message=])rsfkoekfoe023k20f9k0fk3oi43jf
The code generates an pdf417 qr image, and drops it at c:/tmp, all outputs are displayed in the console.
The problem is when I put the character > in the message, like so:
java -jar qr-0.1.jar message=])>rsfkoekfoe023k20f9k0fk3oi43jf
This creates an random file next to the jar with the console output inside, and the pdf417 qr image encodes only the first two characters :/
The thing is, when I debug, the message with the char > works fine, it breaks only when i create the jar file.
This is how i set arguments in code:
for(String arg : args){
String[] argument = arg.split("=");
keyword = argument[0];
value = argument[1];
message = value;
else if(keyword.equals(KEY_WIDTH)){
w = Integer.parseInt(value);
else if(keyword.equals(KEY_HEIGHT)){
h = Integer.parseInt(value);
else if(keyword.equals(KEY_FILENAME)){
fileName = value;
else if(keyword.equals(KEY_FILEPATH)){
filePath = value;
Put it like this:
java -jar qr-0.1.jar message="])>rsfkoekfoe023k20f9k0fk3oi43jf"
Or by escaping special characters using backslash