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JDK and JRE minimal versions required for GWT (compiling and running)

What is JDK minimal version is required for compiling GWT client code (I think JDK 1.7 for GWT 2.7) ?

What is JRE minimal version is required for running GWT RPC on servlet container (I think JRE 1.5 for GWT 2.7) ?

The only answer I found is GWT FAQ is JRE 1.5 but for compiling or running ? It is not clear for me.

In fact, I want to know what the JDK required for a developer computer and what the JRE required for a production server.


  • According to the build files, GWT 2.7 (and actually since 2.5.0) required Java 6: GWT is compiled with Java 6, producing Java 6-compatible classes, and runs its own tests with Java 6.

    Note that GWT 2.8.0, to be released later this spring, will require Java 7.