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Call controller function from service in angularjs

I am using to enable chat in my app and i am using a service SocketService to perform all the socket stuff. When a message came then i want to trigger a function of a controller from the service SocketService to make some changes in the UI. So i want to know that how can i access the function of a controller from the service. Sample Code:

.service('SocketService', function ($http,$rootScope,$q) {
  this.connect = function(){
    var socket = io();
      // Call a function named 'someFunction' in controller 'ChatController'

This is the sample code for service.

Now the code for controller

  $scope.someFunction = function(){
     // Some Code Here


  • You could achieve this by using angular events $broadcast or $emit.

    In your case $broadcast would be helpful, You need to broadcast your event in $rootscope that can be listen by all the child scopes which has $on with same event name.


    .service('SocketService', function($http, $rootScope, $q) {
        this.connect = function() {
            var socket = io();
            socket.on('connect', function() {
                // Call a function named 'someFunction' in controller 'ChatController'
                $rootScope.$broadcast('eventFired', {
                    data: 'something'
    .controller('ChatController', function('SocketService', $scope) {
        $scope.someFunction = function() {
            // Some Code Here
        $scope.$on('eventFired', function(event, data) {

    Hope this could help you, Thanks.