Using Extjs, I've got a TabPanel containing two Panels. Those panels do not automatically expand vertically. All layout are set with type 'fit' and forceFit is true.
I've updated my code according the Kunal's suggestion.
To describe the interface: you have a tree list containing several nodes. When the user clicks on one of those nodes it opens a tab (calling the function ZombieTab(zombie_ip)) with two sub-tabs (ZombieTab_MainTab and ZombieTab_Commands).
Editing the code with Kunal's suggestion had the following effect: We can see that the ZombieTab_Commands's bottom bars appears at the top of the panel and as a result, all components of the tab are not displayed.
Is the main tab of your, which is ZombieTab, is taking the whole space?
If yes, I would make changes for child panels as, {
id: 'zombie-main-tab',
title: 'Main',
items: {
items:[top_bar, logs]
similarly for other child panel as well.
For the Toolbar in Command Tab, try replacing with normal Ext Toolbar and see the effect.
bbar: new Ext.Toolbar({
id: 'exploits-bbar-zombie-'+zombie_ip,
text: 'ready',
border: false,
iconCls: 'x-status-valid',
items : [ { text: 'test'} ]