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I want my JavaScript on my php/html website to update live and instantaneously

This might sound a bit dumb, but how did they get the slider :

That number (%) updates instantaneously to the movement of your mouse when you slide the dot.

I was wondering for my own 'learning purposes' how that is possible since with the same code that they provide on my website, it won't work...

;) Thnx!


My code:

<label for=fader>Volume</label>
    <input type=range min=0 max=100 value=50 id=fader step=1 onchange="outputUpdate(value)">
    <output for=fader id=volume>50%</output>
        function outputUpdate(vol) {
            document.querySelector('#volume').value = vol+"%";


  • This will work:

     <label for=fader>Volume</label>
     <input type=range min=0 max=100 value=50 id=fader step=1 oninput="outputUpdate(value)">
     <output for=fader id=volume>50%</output> 
        function outputUpdate(vol) { 
           document.querySelector('#volume').value = vol+"%"; }

    You need to change onchange to oninput, they don't use what they tell you.