I am using the excellent rangeslider.js by Andre Ruffert
I have one question. I have the slider set up so my numbers increase in increments of 6 as I move the slider along like so: 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60
However I want the slider to increase by increments of 12 when it reaches 36 thus skipping out '42' and '54' so that when I move the slider it can be pulled along to the following: 6,12,18,24,30,36,48,60
is there a way that i can do this in js or html?
This is the code that should set up the slider values but for some reason this doesn't work:
$(function() {
var valMap = [6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60];
min: 6,
max: valMap.length - 1,
value: 24,
slide: function(event, ui) {
I can't get the JavaScript functions to overwrite the HTML code for the slider which reads like this:
<input type="range" name="term" min="6" max="60" step="6" value="36" data-rangeslider>
You could check the value on onSlide
event and change the step property of the slider once its reached 36:
var $r = $('input[type=range]');
onSlide: function(position, value) {
if (v>=36) {
$r.data().plugin_rangeslider.step = 12;
else {
$r.data().plugin_rangeslider.step = 6;
Check this codepen
The values: min, max and value you should put as attributes on the html element and not while initializing. Also there is no slide
Look at this example (codepen)
polyfill: false,
onInit: function() {
$ruler[0].innerHTML = getRulerRange(this.min, this.max, rulerStep);
onSlide: function(p,v) {
if (!$("#term").data().plugin_rangeslider)
if (v>=36) {
$("#term").data().plugin_rangeslider.step = 12;
else {
$("#term").data().plugin_rangeslider.step = 6;
onSlideEnd: function(p, v) {
$('#val').attr('value', v)