I am plotting a point graph and the graph should get update with new data for every 5 secs. Here min and max range are always fixed
Currently, when I get new data from server, I do merge the new data to the existing source.data and plotting the complete graph.
So, I dont want to redraw the complete data again and again. As the length of the source.data is increasing, performance is going down . So instead of redraw complete data, can I add only the new data to the existing graph
Please find the source code here
var source = [
data: [],
show: true,
label: "Constellation",
name: "Constellation",
color: "#0000FF",
points: {
show: true,
radius: 2,
fillColor: '#0000FF'
lines: {
show: false
var options = {...}
$.getJSON(URL , function(data) {
$.merge(source[0].data, new_data);
plotObj = $.plot("#placeholder", source, options);
Follow this steps:
plotObj.setupGrid(); //if you also need to update axis.
plotObj.draw(); //to redraw data
Another usefull method is getData(). With this method you can get the current data.
var data = plotObj.getData();