I use the following Complex class file for Complex variables.
The java code below is an example of iterations calculator for Mandelbrot Set.
public int iterations(Complex no) {
Complex z = no;
int iterations = 0;
while (z.modulusSquared() < 4 && iter <= MAX_ITERATIONS) {
z = z.square();
z = z.add(y);
return iter;
Thanks in advance!
I think in the function squared you need to use the absolute value:
public Complex square() {
double newreal;
double newimaginary;
newreal = ((real * real) - (imaginary * imaginary));
newimaginary = 2 * abs(imaginary * real);
return new Complex(newreal, newimaginary);
Now, to square a complex number, I expand this equation: (Zx + Zyi)2 = Zx × Zx + Zx × Zy +Zx × Zy - Zy×Zy = Zx2-Zy2 + 2(Zx×Zy) The real part is Zx2-Zy2. It is quicker to multiply them together (the ZxZx part) than use a function for raising a number to another. The imaginary part is 2(Zx×Zy). It is quicker to set a variable n = ZxZy then set n = n + n to avoid multiplying by two (adding is quicker than multiplying). Zy is a floating point number so I cannot do a bit shift left to multiply by two. Now the part that is different to the Mandelbrot set is this: Zy=Math.abs(Zx*Zy);