My goal is to have code execute if the local IP of the user does not start with 10.80
I can't find a way that isn't error prone, for example:
Here's what I have to get the I.P.:
IPHostEntry host;
string localIP = "?";
host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress ip in host.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily.ToString() == "InterNetwork")
localIP = ip.ToString();
iplabel.Text = localIP;
Then I attempted to convert this to an int
to check if it's < or >:
string ipstring = iplabel.Text.Replace(".", "");
int ipnum = int.Parse(ipstring);
if (ipnum > 1080000000 && ipnum < 1080255255)
But the problem is, if there is a 2 digit IP value for example
it won't work as it's checking for a number than is greater than that range.
Is there a better solution to check the first x amount of digits of an int or IP address in C#?
Have you tried:
bool IsCorrectIP = ( ipstring.StartsWith("10.80.") );
Sorry if the answer is too terse. But that should resolve the issue at hand.