I'm trying to build a HAL-compliant REST API with Spring HATEOAS.
After some fiddling I managed to get to work mostly like expected. The (sample) output looks like this right now:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/sybil/configuration/bricks"
"_embedded": {
"brickDomainList": [
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": 4223,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/sybil/configuration/bricks/localhost"
"hostname": "synerforge001",
"port": 4223,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/sybil/configuration/bricks/synerforge001"
I don't like the "brickDomainList" array's name. It should say "bricks", ideally. How can I change it?
Here's the controller that produces the output:
public class ConfigurationBricksController {
private BrickRepository brickRepository;
private GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService;
public ConfigurationBricksController(BrickRepository brickRepository, GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService) {
this.brickRepository = brickRepository;
this.graphDatabaseService = graphDatabaseService;
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/hal+json")
public Resources<BrickResource> bricks() {
List<BrickDomain> bricks;
List<BrickResource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
List<Link> links = new ArrayList<>();
Link self = linkTo(ConfigurationBricksController.class).withSelfRel();
try(Transaction tx = graphDatabaseService.beginTx()) { // begin transaction
// get all Bricks from database and cast them into a list so that they're actually fetched
bricks = new ArrayList<>(IteratorUtil.asCollection(brickRepository.findAll()));
// end transaction
for (BrickDomain brick : bricks) {
self = linkTo(methodOn(ConfigurationBricksController.class).brick(brick.getHostname())).withSelfRel();
BrickResource resource = new BrickResource(brick, self);
return new Resources<>(resources, links);
Is there some Annotation or something I can add to change the array's name?
If you want/need to look at the BrickResource class or the Repositories or something look here: https://github.com/ttheuer/sybil/tree/mvctest/src/main/java/org/synyx/sybil
The BrickResource is in api/resources/, the repository is in database/, and the BrickDomain in domain/.
Just use Evo Inflector. If you have a Maven project then add the dependency
Or you can add @Relation(collectionRelation = "bricks")
to the BrickDomain
@Relation(collectionRelation = "bricks")
public class BrickDomain { … }