When I call put
or customPUT
and check the request body in the browser, the original object is sent, not the updated one. I checked the RestAngular object with a {{ object }}
and it is being updated.
Here is the controller (APIUsers
is a RestAngular Service):
$scope.objects = {};
(function waitForNgInit(fnct) {
$scope.$watch('userID', function(newVal) {
if (newVal !== undefined) {
})(function retrieveUser() {
$scope.objects.user = APIUsers.one($scope.userID).get().$object;
$scope.saveSettings = function() {
$scope.objects.user.customPUT($scope.objects.user).then(function(resp) {
$scope.errors = [];
}, function(err) {
$scope.errors = err.data.errors;
Here is the Jade (HTML Template Code):
{{ objects }}
ul.error-box(ng-show="errors != undefined && errors.legnth != 0")
li(ng-repeat="error in errors") {{ error.msg }}
label(for="username") Username
input(type="textfield" ng-model="objects.user.username")
label(for="username") Email
input(type="textfield" ng-model="objects.user.email")
label(for="username") Profile Picture
input(type="file" ng-model="objects.user.profilePicture")
span.submit-button(ng-click="saveSettings()") Save Changes
It is an old and known Restangular bug, see it at https://github.com/mgonto/restangular/issues/713
To make this work in the meanwhile is fixed (it seems that are working to fix it), you can use the code below:
$scope.submit = function submit() {
.then(function () {
growl.success(gettext('Updated successfully.'));