I have a factory
angular.module('RepServices', [ 'ngResource' ]).factory('Rep',
function($resource) {
return $resource('rep.do', {}, {
get : {
method : 'GET',
params : {
action : "fetchRep"
isArray : false,
responseType : "text"
and have created a test
describe('RepService test', function () {
var httpBackend;
var repService;
var repResponseXML = '<RepEntity><active>false</active><repCode>C326</repCode></RepEntity>';
function ($injector) {
httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
repService = $injector.get('Rep');// Rep is name of the factory
describe('fetchRep', function () {
it ('should call the RepServices to fetchRep', function () {
var mockData = repResponseXML;
var url = 'rep.do';
var response =
repService.get({repCode: 'C213', subfirm: '001'},
function(httpResponse) {console.log("httpResponse: " + httpResponse);},
function(httpErrorResponse) {});
console.log("Promise: ");
response.$promise.then(function() {console.log("callback");}, function() {console.log("errback");}, function() {console.log("progressback"); });
Getting error when it calls flush (see error below). If I remove the flush then Karma reports success but it does not appear to be returning what I have called mockData
Error: [jqLite:nosel] Looking up elements via selectors is not supported by jqLite! See: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/angular.element
at JQLite (C:/Users/D532335/Projects/Affirm/Trunk/RIFWeb/WebContent/javascript/lib/angular.js:2365)
I ended up havinmg to include jquery whic the links from the error told me to do this. But I was still getting an error. Make sure you alwasy load the library dependencies in the same order as your app does.