I want to access the currenly connected cryptography modules via an Firefox Addon.
I found some interfaces that look like i can access the module, the slot and the token (1 → 2 → 3 → 4) but how can i access the public key of an certificate stored on such a token?
Is there an such an API even available to an Addon?
nsIX509CertDB.idl provides the means to access all stored certificates, therefore also the ones accessed through crypto modules. To filter the certificates using the tokenName property should work.
Here is a snippet to enumerate all certs:
var certDB = chrome.Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService(chrome.Ci.nsIX509CertDB);
var certs = certDB.getCerts();
var enumerator = certs.getEnumerator();
var s = "";
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var cert = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(chrome.Ci.nsIX509Cert);
if (cert.tokenName.equals("Your-token-name"))
s += cert.tokenName + " # ";
The name of the token can be found through the module name by using: nsIPKCS11ModuleDB.listModules() → nsIPKCS11Module.listSlots() → nsIPKCS11Slot.getToken() → nsIPK11Token.tokenName