I'm using the 3.5 library for microsoft code contracts
public object RetrieveById(int Id)
//stuff happens...
Contract.Ensures(newObject != null, "object must not be null");
return newProject;
//No error message if I move the Contract.Ensures to here
//But it isn't asserting/throwing a contract exception here either
I get the compiler message: "Error 18 Contract section within try block in method 'Controller.RetrieveById(System.Int32)'
I figured it out with your help:
Check against Contract.Result
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null, "object must not be null ");
I might be missing something, but I just looked at the documentation for this:
it says:
This method call must be at the beginning of a method or property, before any other code.
So just leave the Ensures call at the top of the method and you should not get any problems.