Issue: Compile syntax {{vm.names}} spits out the variable, so I know the view has access to it. However, using vm.names inside directives like ng-repeat has no effect. I did a console.log(typoeof()) which says "object" so I know its not a string.
function nameDirective (){
return {
template: [
'<tr ng-repeat"name in vm.names">',
"controller": nameDirectiveCtrl,
"controllerAs": 'vm'
function nameDirectiveCtrl($scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.names = $scope.names;
First of all note that you are missing =
in ng-repeat"name in vm.names"
. But this is not the real issue though.
Another problem is that you need to add restrict: 'E'
if you use <name-directive names="vm.names"></name-directive>
. But this also will not render anything.
After that I realized that you also need replace: true
. In this case ngRepeat
will work but strange ... rows will appear outside the table!
Hm.. So here is the solution.
This is the rare case when you should use directive restricted to a comment. The problem with your current approach is that <name-directive>
element can't be a direct child of the tbody
, so browser fixes invalid markup moving your element directive somewhere else outside.
Below is the fixed directive code with comment syntax:
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<!-- directive: name-directive vm.names -->
And directive will look like:
function nameDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'M',
template: [
'<tr ng-repeat="name in vm.names">',
scope: {
names: "=nameDirective"
replace: true,
controller: nameDirectiveCtrl,
controllerAs: 'vm'