I am trying to create an object with data the program reads out of a text file. The data was put into the text file by the same program. I'm splitting the lines, then sticking each segment into a String ArrayList. It's been working well until I get to the date. Parsing the String date to a Date type results in a ParseException error. Any ideas why I'm not parsing it correctly? Thank you!
BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(new
String line = bufReader.readLine();
ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
while ((line = bufReader.readLine()) != null){
String[] split = line.split("= ");
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++){
if (split[i].endsWith("2015")){
String arrayPriority = words.get(1); //"5"
String description = words.get(3); //"Building on fire"
String reportedBy = words.get(5); //"Tim"
String arrayDate = words.get(7); //"Mon Mar 02 13:31:24 CST
int priority = Integer.valueOf(arrayPriority); //5
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("EEE MM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy");
try {
Date date = formatter.parse(arrayDate);
} catch (ParseException e){
StackTrace: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Mon Mar 02 13:31:24 CST 2015" at java.text.DateFormat.parse(DateFormat.java:366) at ----.company.Main.addTicketFromFile(Main.java:257) at ----.company.Main.main(Main.java:17)
public Date parse(String source) throws ParseException
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
Date result = parse(source, pos);
if (pos.index == 0)
throw new ParseException("Unparseable date: \"" + source + "\"" ,
return result;
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy");