I have a universal app the uses voice synthesis. Running under WP8.1, it works fine, but as soon as I try Win8.1 I start getting strange behaviour. The actual voice seems to speak once, however, on the second run (within the same app), the following code hangs:
string toSay = "hello";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: Speak {1}", DateTime.Now, toSay);
using (SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: After sythesizer instantiated", DateTime.Now);
var voiceStream = await synth.SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(toSay);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: After voice stream", DateTime.Now);
The reason for the debug statements is that the code seems to have an uncertainty principle to it. That is, when I debug through it, the code executes and passes the SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync
statement. However, when the breakpoits are removed, I only get the debug statement preceding it - never the one after.
The best I can deduce is that during the first run through something bad happens (it does claim to complete and actually speaks the first time), then it gets stuck and can't play any more. The full code looks similar to this:
string toSay = "hello";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: Speak {1}", DateTime.Now, toSay);
using (SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: After sythesizer instantiated", DateTime.Now);
var voiceStream = await synth.SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(toSay);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: After voice stream", DateTime.Now);
MediaElement mediaElement;
mediaElement = rootControl.Children.FirstOrDefault(a => a as MediaElement != null) as MediaElement;
if (mediaElement == null)
mediaElement = new MediaElement();
mediaElement.SetSource(voiceStream, voiceStream.ContentType);
mediaElement.Volume = 1;
mediaElement.IsMuted = false;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
mediaElement.MediaEnded += (o, e) => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); };
mediaElement.MediaFailed += (o, e) => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); };
await tcs.Task;
Okay - I think I managed to get this working... although I'm unsure why.
using (SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer())
var voiceStream = await synth.SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(toSay);
MediaElement mediaElement;
mediaElement = rootControl.Children.FirstOrDefault(a => a as MediaElement != null) as MediaElement;
if (mediaElement == null)
mediaElement = new MediaElement();
mediaElement.SetSource(voiceStream, voiceStream.ContentType);
mediaElement.Volume = 1;
mediaElement.IsMuted = false;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
mediaElement.MediaEnded += (o, e) => { tcs.TrySetResult(true); };
await tcs.Task;
// Removing the control seems to free up whatever is locking