Recently, I have refactored my javascript to better utilize closures and invocation.
Setting the cancel
property (to true
) of the telerik eventArgument (e
) accompanying the RadButton Client OnValueChanging event is no longer setting the value back to the oldValue or initialValue.
window.Paysheet.UI.WorkRate = {
"OnValueChanging" : function (sender, e, args) {
/// <summary>Entry-Point Function; initializes and calls 'Paysheet.XHR.POST', evaluates the response; Initializes and invokes the proper RadWindow/RadAlert/RadPrompt</summary>
/// <param name="sender" type="Telerik.Web.UI.RadTextBox">The Telerik Control that raises the event</param>
/// <param name="e" type="Telerik.Web.UI.InputValueChangingEventArgs">The Telerik Event</param>
/// <param name="args" type="JSON">JSON that is to be processed by the handler, and posted</param>
args = Paysheet.Common.GetDataKeyValues(sender);
args.RequestorID = window.Paysheet.Requestor.ID;
//args.AuthToken = window.Paysheet.Requestor.AuthToken;
args.Scope = "PaysheetItem";
args.PaysheetItemScope = "PayRate";
args.RateType = "WorkRate";
args.Rate = e.get_newValue();
args._uri = "Paysheet/" + args.PayPeriodEmployeeID + "/PayRate/Modify";
console.log("(1st) XHR POST => args: %o", args);
return Paysheet.Common.Func(Paysheet.Common.OnValueChangingResultHandler, sender, e, args);
The above code is called from the RadTextBox OnValueChanging EventHandler like so:
"valueChanging": function(sender, e) {
args = {};
console.log(" [EventOccurring] - sender: %o - e: %o - args: %o", sender, e, args);
e._cancel = !(Paysheet.UI.WorkRate.OnValueChanging(sender, e, args));
window.Paysheet.XHR = {
"POST": function (uri, jsonData) {
/// <summary>Encapsulates the XmlHttpRequest object; posts the given data (JSON string) to a specified handler page and returns the JSON object</summary>
/// <param name="url" type="String">URI</param>
/// <param name="jsonData" type="String">JSON Data to be posted</param>
uri = uri || jsonData._uri;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", uri, false); // synchronous call
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return (xhr.status == 200) ? JSON.parse(xhr.response) : { "isValid": false, "StatusCode": 500 };
window.Paysheet.Common = {
"Func": function (func, sender, e, args) {
console.log("Call to func..");
var result = func(sender, e, args, (Paysheet.XHR.POST(args._uri, args) || { "isValid": false, "isOverrideable" : false, "StatusCode": 500 }));
console.log("result of call: %o", result);
return result;
"GenericResultHandler": function (result, handlers) {
result = result || { "isValid": false, "isOverrideable": false, "StatusCode": 500 };
if (result.StatusCode != 200) {
console.log("[ERROR] - [RadAlert] Invoked...");
//the result.message show be more domain specific.
radalert(result.message || "Internal Error Occurred!", 400, 350, result.title || "Alert - Error", null, null);
} else if (result.isValid) {
return true;
} else if (result.isOverrideable) {
console.log("[OVERRIDE] - [RadPrompt] Invoked...");
} else {
console.log("[REJECTED] - [RadAlert] Invoked...");
//the result.message show be more domain specific.
radalert(result.message || "The state of this data prevents any modifications; Overriding is not an option.",
400, 350,
result.title || "Alert - Denied",
null, null);
// ultimately, the caller will be a cancelable telerik event.
// by convension, the result is inverted/flipped: thus, this resolves to 'e.set_cancel = !([return])'
// note: override will have to set the value explicitly without triggering this event in the (presumed) asynchronous method call to 'handlers.override';
return false;
"GenericOverrideResultHandler": function (result, handlers) {
result = result || { "isValid": false, "StatusCode": 500, "isOverrideable" : false };
if (result.StatusCode != 200) {
console.log("[OVERRIDE ERROR] - [RadAlert] Invoked...");
radalert(result.message || "Internal Error Occurred!", 400, 350, result.title || "Alert - Error", null, null);
} else if (result.isValid) {
console.log("[OVERRIDE APPROVED]");
} else {
console.log("[OVERRIDE REJECTED] - [RadAlert] Invoked...");
//the result.message show be more domain specific.
radalert(result.message || "Override was denied, no modification made to stored data!", 400, 350, result.title || "Alert - Override Denied", null, null);
"OnValueChangingResultHandler": function (sender, e, args, result) {
return Paysheet.Common.GenericResultHandler(result, { "approve": approve, "override": override, "reject": reject });
function approve() {
var d = Paysheet.Common.GetDataKeyValues(sender);
var DaysCell = sender.get_parent().get_cell("Days");
if (DaysCell["set_value"]) {
} else {
DaysCell.innerHTML = result.content.Days;
var GrossCell = sender.get_parent().get_cell("Gross");
if (GrossCell["set_value"]) {
} else {
GrossCell.innerHTML = result.content.Gross;
function override() {
radprompt(result.message, callback, 400, 350, null, result.title || "Prompt - Override", false);
function callback(promptArgs) {
promptArgs = promptArgs || { "override": false, "note": "" };
if (promptArgs.override && promptArgs.note.length > 0) {
args.Override = promptArgs.override;
args.OverrideNote = promptArgs.note;
console.log("(2nd) XHR POST [start] => args: %o", args);
var result = Paysheet.XHR.POST(args._uri, args);
console.log("(2nd) XHR POST [finished] - results: %o", result);
if ((result) ? result.isValid : false) {
var d = Paysheet.Common.GetDataKeyValues(sender);
//Update Gross;
var DaysCell = sender.get_parent().get_cell("Days");
if (DaysCell["set_value"]) {
} else {
DaysCell.innerHTML = result.content.Days;
var GrossCell = sender.get_parent().get_cell("Gross");
if (GrossCell["set_value"]) {
} else {
GrossCell.innerHTML = result.content.Gross;
} else {
if (result.StatusCode == 200) {
console.log("... Denied [RadAlert] Invoked...");
radalert(result.message || "Override request denied!", 400, 350, result.title || "Alert - Override Denied", null, null);
} else //if (result.StatusCode == 500)
console.log("... Error [RadAlert] Invoked...");
radalert(result.message || "Internal Error Occurred!", 400, 350, result.title || "Alert - Error", null, null);
} else {
// ensuring the control retains the same value; for the prompt is async;
function reject() {
// neither of the following lines should be necessary, for the GenericResultHandler returns true|false to `e._cancel`
// sender._SetValue(e.get_oldValue()); //This line works
// e._cancel = true; //This line does not work
I've stepped through this code, and into the telerik's code. It does seem to call _SetValue
using the _initialValueAsText
. I just doesn't seem to actually apply.
If I explicitly set the cancel property of the event in my 'reject' function. It exhibits the same issue.
If I explicitly set the value of the sender to the old value, it works.
EDIT: I have commented out xhr.send
line (synchronous call) - forcing the POST
function to return { "isValid" : false, "isOverrideable" : false, "StatusCode": 500 }
- the issue persists.
Calling sender._setHiddenValue(e.get_newValue())
at some point prior to assigning true
or false
to the event._canceled
corrects the issue..
conditionally sets the _text
and _value
fields of the sender
to the new value: it checks the passed value
against the existing _value
, if they are the same, then the function exits without assigning the value. It exits with a true
or false
value indicating whether the assignment occurred.
If/when the _canceled
field of the eventArg is set to true
, the internal event handler calls sender._SetValue(sender._initialValueAsText)
; Within that procedure, sender._setHiddenValue(sender._initialValueAsText)
is called.