I am using trove library to create hash maps
The class I am using is TObjectIntMap in which I had to use the function get. The issue is that get returns 0 if two cases
1- If the value of the specified key is zero
2- If the key does not exist
For example in the following code
TObjectIntMap<String> featuresMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>();
if(String.valueOf(featuresMap.get("B")) == null)
The program will print the following
1- NotNull: because it gets zero. Although the key "B" has not been set
2- Zero: The return of featuresMap.get("B") is zero instead of null.
I have checked their documentation in the link below and it was a mistake that they solved. So get actually return zero instead of null because int cannot be null.
Now my question is: How to differentiate between a zero and Null in this case. Is their any way around to address this issue.
Try their containsKey method. If the value comes back 0, use that method to check if the map contains the key - if it does, then the key's value really is 0. If it doesn't, then the key is not set.