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How to create an C#.Net DLL to use in JavaScript

I have created a .Net DLL with few simple classes. I have registered the DLL using RegAsm and I got a message that types were registered successfully.

RegAsm Syntax Used :

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>RegAsm.exe "D:\Projects\TestDLL.Core.dll"

C# Code:

namespace MyTestDLL.Core    
        public class PacketInfo    
          // constructor
          public PacketInfo()

          public string HostName { get; set; }
            //   and so on ......


I have set the ComVisible property to true in AssemblyInfo.cs file of this DLL. // [assembly: ComVisible(true)]

However when I create an object out of it in JavaScript and run the script in Command prompt , I'm getting either it is not an object or null.

JS Code :

 var testObj = new ActiveXObject(MyTestDLL.Core.PacketInfo);
        testObj.HostName = "Test";

Can anyone advise me how to resolve this ?


  • I was able to achieve that by adding the following line to My DLL just above the class,

     [Guid("A32AB771-9967-4604-B193-57FAA25557D4"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] 

    Earlier I wasn't having the ClassInterfaceType part in my code. Also ensure that each of your classes are having unique GUID. FYI : You can create GUID using Visual Studio Tools GUID Creator GUI.