Can some one kindly suggest ways by which I can extract 0459
and 0460
from a string like (&0459&/&0460&)*100
in a SQL Server table?
I should be able to pull out two strings sandwiched between two pair of ampersands.
Thanks in advance.
If you are certain there are always two pair of ampersands you may extract the two strings like this
declare @s varchar(max) = '(&0459&/&0460&)*100'
declare @first int = charindex('&', @s)
declare @second int = charindex('&', @s, @first+1)
declare @third int = charindex('&', @s, @second+1)
declare @fourth int = charindex('&', @s, @third+1)
select substring(@s, @first+1, @second-@first-1)
select substring(@s, @third+1, @fourth-@third-1)