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Eclipse does not seem to recognize Native Android code

I am trying to learn about native Android, using NDK.

I find some sample projects in NDK folder and on the Internet. After much configuration, they are runnable.

But, my problem is: when I open a .c or .h file in JNI folder with Eclipse (just want to see what it is), Eclipse shows many error in this file. For example, it don't know what is JNIEnv, jobject, jstring.

I haven't made any change in the project, just opening it. Errors mean I can't rerun it again except if I delete it from the workspace then reimport it.


  • Eclipse does not work well with C/C++ files. At least, for me it did not. After some search, I have managed to configure Code::Blocks to support NDK, please see this answer to the question: Need a simple Linux C++ IDE (Android NDK) .