I extensively use zlib for storing compressed data. While reading data most of the time is spent in inflate_fast and crc32 zlib calls. I am exploring alternatives to speed-up decompression and have two candidates, ipp_zlib from Intel and zlib fork from CloudFlare. I would like to know:
Is CloudFlare fork tuned only for AMD processors ? I see that related branch is tagged with 'amd64' at https://github.com/cloudflare/zlib/branches. I have Intel CPUs, so amd64 won't serve the purpose.
Whether I need to rewrite data to use CloudFlare version ? If yes, then I will have to ignore this library.
I tried getting both libraries for my Linux machine, but don't see easy way i.e. download link. If anyone installed above, please share instructions to download and build.
In fact Cloudflare version of gzip is optimized for Intel Haswell processors. It is 100% gzip compliant. It is however optimized for high speed compression and does not improve the compression ratio. If you only use statically compressed content, there is not much benefit.