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ExtJS - disable depending on input value

I have the code below to create a text field in the form.

buildForm : function() {
    this.time = new Ext.form.TextField({
        name : 'estimate',
        allowBlank : false,
        fieldLabel : 'Estimate',
        onBlur : function(field) {
            return this.setValue(this.getValue().replace('.', ','));

It works correctly.

Now, when I render this form, and in this field is value="abc", I need to set disabled to this field.

I tried:

disabled : function() { return this.getValue() == 'abc' ? true : false;}
disabled : function(field) { return this.getValue() == 'abc' ? true : false;}
disabled : function(field) { return field.getValue() == 'abc' ? true : false;}
disabled : this.getValue() == 'abc' ? true : false

But nothing of this work. Any idea?


  • Try this

    change: function(field, newValue,) {
         field.setDisabled(newValue == 'abc');

    Check API for more info on events, methods for TextField


    If you need to disable textfield only on form render, just add this line in buildForm function.

    this.time.setDisabled(this.time.getValue() == 'abc')

    Another way is to add logic on TextField's render event.

    render: function(field) {
        field.setDisabled(field.getValue() == 'abc')

    UPD 2:

    I suppose, that your issue is on way of setting value or in the order.

    Here's a working sample.

    Notice this.time.setValue('abc') instead of this.time.value = 'abc', which won't work.

    buildForm: function() {
            this.timeFld = Ext.create('Ext.form.TextField', {
                name: 'estimate',
                allowBlank: false,
                fieldLabel: 'Estimate',
                onBlur: function(field) {
                    return this.setValue(this.getValue().replace('.', ','));
                listeners: {
                    render: function(field) {
                     field.setDisabled(field.getValue() == 'abc');
           // this.time.setDisabled(this.time.getValue() == 'abc');
            Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
                title: 'Test',
                items: [
                renderTo: Ext.getBody()
          //  alert(this.timeFld.getValue());