I have just noticed that plugin's version is optional in maven. I can still build my module without specifying it. Let's take an example with maven-bundle-plugin.
I have written a simple pom.xml without a parent to try this out, so pluginManagement is not involved. I have also checked the super super pom-4.0.0.xml in maven-model-builder to confirm that maven-bundle-plugin isn't there. This plugin version is not specified anywhere.
How does maven determine which version to take?
From Maven 3.x Compatibility Notes:
Automatic Plugin Version Resolution
When a plugin was invoked without an explicit version given in the POM or on the command line, Maven 2.x used to pick the latest version available where the latest version could either be a release or a snapshot. For the sake of stability, Maven 3.x prefers the latest release version over the latest snapshot version.
Given the threat of non-reproducible builds imposed by automatic plugin version resolution, this feature is scheduled for removal as far as plugin declarations in the POM are concerned. Users of Maven 3.x will find it output a warning when missing plugin versions are detected to encourage the addition of plugin versions to the POM or one of its parent POMs. The Enforcer rule requirePluginVersions can be used additionally check for missing plugin versions in the POM.