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How to implement an ListView containing images with style

So I have been working with an app where I need to show the thumbnails as clean and use the space in a good way.

Style A is my work until now. What I want to accomplish is something like style B. no titles and use the space in a good way. I need help with this. there was no tutorial on the net. Is ListView able to do such a thing? or shall I make picturesboxes and put them in a scrollview?

the code:

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            ImageList myImageList = new ImageList();
            myImageList.ImageSize = new Size(48, 48);

            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\img");
            foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles())
                    Console.WriteLine("This is not an image file");
myListView.LargeImageList = myImageList; 
            myListView.Items.Add("a", 0); 
            myListView.Items.Add("b", 1);
            myListView.Items.Add("c", 2);

alt text


  • Are you specifically limited to using Winforms or can you use WPF? It'll make creating that quite easy.