Let's say I am creating an Abstract Base Class for the purpose of defining a public interface. I want operator+ to be a part of this public interface. It would seem that this is not possible in C++ or that I am missing something.
For example, suppose the code below is a .h file declaring the public interface for an abstract base class named IAbstract. This code does not compile because I cannot declare a function that returns an instance of an abstract base class. This compile error makes sense, but what I don't understand is this: Is there any way to guarantee operator+ will exist in the public interface of IAbstract?
#include <iostream>
// An abstract base class
class IAbstract
IAbstract(int value);
virtual ~IAbstract() {}
virtual int SomeOtherFunction() =0;
//This is ok
virtual IAbstract& operator++() =0;
//This will not compile
virtual const IAbstract operator+(const IAbstract& rhs) =0;
//Xcode5 says "Semantic Issue: Return type 'IAbstract' is an abstract class"
No, it is not possible guarantee operator+ will exist in the public interface of IAbstract-derived classes because you cannot properly declare operator+ as a pure virtual function.