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Typescript, require module as class

I'm using an existing js library that uses AMD modules in my typescript code. I want to use a Javascript class as the base for my Typescript class. This is what I'm trying to do:


define('famous/core/View',['require','exports','module'],function(require, exports, module) {

    function View() {


    module.exports = View;


declare module "famous/core/View" {



import View = require('famous/core/View');

class AppView extends View {


export = AppView;

But it says "Cannot find name 'View'". I suppose it's logical it doesn't work since a module is not a class, but I don't know another way.


  • You need to define a class and use export = in View.d.ts. For example:

    declare module "famous/core/View" {
       class View {
          // TODO define members of View
       export = View;