I'm trying to implement method chaining in C++, which turns out to be quite easy if the constructor call of a class is a separate statement, e.g:
Foo foo;
But as soon as the constructor call becomes part of the method chain, the compiler complains about expecting ";" in place of "." immediately after the constructor call:
Foo foo().bar().baz();
I'm wondering now if this is actually possible in C++. Here is my test class:
class Foo
Foo& bar()
return *this;
Foo& baz()
return *this;
I also found an example for "fluent interfaces" in C++ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface#C.2B.2B) which seems to be exactly what I'm searching for. However, I get the same compiler error for that code.
You have forgotten the actual name for the Foo
object. Try:
Foo foo = Foo().bar().baz();