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Is there an equivalent to the range-based `enumerate` loop from python in modern C++?

Is there an equivalent to the range-based enumerate loop from python in C++? I would imagine something like this.

enumerateLoop (auto counter, auto el, container) { = el[0]; = el[1];

Can this be done with templates or macros?

I'm aware that I can just use an old school for-loop and iterate until I reach container.size(). But I'm interested how this would be solved using templates or macros.


I played a bit with boost iterators after the hint in the comments. I got another working solution using C++14.

template <typename... T>
auto zip(const T &... containers) -> boost::iterator_range<boost::zip_iterator<
decltype(boost::make_tuple(std::begin(containers)...))>> {
  auto zip_begin =
  auto zip_end =
  return boost::make_iterator_range(zip_begin, zip_end);

template <typename T>
auto enumerate(const T &container) {
return zip(boost::counting_range(0, static_cast<int>(container.size())),


  • I wrote something for this a while back.

    Essentially, you need to wrap an iterator and give it pair semantics.

    AFAIK, there's nothing like this built into the language. And I don't think boost has it either. You pretty much have to roll your own.

    // Wraps a forward-iterator to produce {value, index} pairs, similar to
    // python's enumerate()
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct EnumerateIterator {
      Iterator current;
      Iterator last;
      size_t index;
      bool atEnd;
      typedef decltype(*std::declval<Iterator>()) IteratorValue;
      typedef pair<IteratorValue const&, size_t> value_type;
        : index(0), atEnd(true) {}
      EnumerateIterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
        : current(begin), last(end), index(0) {
        atEnd = current == last;
      EnumerateIterator begin() const {
        return *this;
      EnumerateIterator end() const {
        return EnumerateIterator();
      EnumerateIterator operator++() {
        if (!atEnd) {
          atEnd = current == last;
        return *this;
      value_type operator*() const {
        return {*current, index};
      bool operator==(EnumerateIterator const& rhs) const {
          (atEnd && rhs.atEnd) ||
          (!atEnd && !rhs.atEnd && current == rhs.current && last == rhs.last);
      bool operator!=(EnumerateIterator const& rhs) const {
        return !(*this == rhs);
      explicit operator bool() const {
        return !atEnd;
    template<typename Iterable>
    EnumerateIterator<decltype(std::declval<Iterable>().begin())> enumerateIterator(Iterable& list) {
      return EnumerateIterator<decltype(std::declval<Iterable>().begin())>(list.begin(), list.end());
    template<typename ResultContainer, typename Iterable>
    ResultContainer enumerateConstruct(Iterable&& list) {
      ResultContainer res;
      for (auto el : enumerateIterator(list))
      return res;