So I'm trying to make a Program that will draw a triangle given some user input. The variables that the user provides are angleA, angleB, andleC, and the corresponding sides. The code I have set up to find the three points of the angle is as follows.
double angle_A = double.Parse(angleA.Text);
double angle_B = double.Parse(angleB.Text);
double angle_C = double.Parse(angleC.Text);
double side_A = double.Parse(sideA.Text);
double side_B = double.Parse(sideB.Text);
double side_C = double.Parse(sideC.Text);
double triangleHeight = Area * 2 / (double.Parse(sideB.Text));
double height = canvas.Height;
double width = canvas.Width;
int aX, aY, bX, bY, cX, cY;
aY = Convert.ToInt32(canvas.Height - triangleHeight / 2);
if (angle_A <= 90 && angle_C <= 90)
aX = Convert.ToInt32((width - side_B) / 2);
else if (angle_A > 90)
double extraLength = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(side_C, 2) - Math.Pow(triangleHeight, 2));
aX = Convert.ToInt32(width - ((width - (side_B + extraLength)) / 2) + side_B);
else if (angle_C > 90)
double extraLength = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(side_A, 2) - Math.Pow(triangleHeight, 2));
aX = Convert.ToInt32((width - side_B + extraLength) / 2);
aX = 0;
MessageBox.Show("ERROR: No such triangle exists", "ERROR:");
cX = aX + Convert.ToInt32(side_B);
cY = aY;
bX = Convert.ToInt32(side_A * Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle_C / 180) + cX);
bY = Convert.ToInt32(side_A * Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle_C / 180) - cY);
Point pointA = new Point(aX, aY);
Point pointB = new Point(bX, bY);
Point pointC = new Point(cX, cY);
Point[] points = new Point[3] { pointA, pointB, pointC };
return points;
This returns the three points that the paint method should use to draw the triangle. However, when I insert the values, the triangle it draws looks nothing like the triangle I have described with the user input. Any thoughts on why this is? Thanks in advance.
P.S. The error is not in my code, as it gives me no errors and does not crash. It is strictly a math error that I have not been able to locate.
I imagine the triangle ABC with corners A and C along the base line with A to the left and C to the right, and B somewhere above them. Side A is the side opposite corner A, and so on.
As Damien_the_Unbeliever says, you should only allow input of, say, side B, side C and angle of corner A. Validate that A is not over 180 degrees. Start off with A at the origin, so we know straight away that xA = 0, yA = 0, xC = length of side B, yC=0, xB = side C * cos A, and yB = side C * sin A. I believe this works even if A is over 90 degrees, you do get a negative value for xB but don't worry, continue anyway!
Now all you have to do is centre the triangle on the canvas. I don't understand where you are getting Area from. It makes no sense to calculate the triangle's height from its area. The triangle height is yB, you can calculate the offset you need to centre it vertically as you know, so long as yB <= height. Add the same y offset to all the points.
The horizontal offset is a bit more complicated! If xB is negative, I would add an offset to all the x values to bring xB to 0, this positions your triangle at the left side of the canvas, and its width is given by the new xC. If xB is non-negative, the width is the maximum of xC or xB. Then you can calculate the x offset from the width as you know.
I have had time to do some of the code, for example values; this will draw a triangle but not yet centre it:
int sideB = 100;
int sideC = 143;
int angleA = 28;
double angleARadians = Math.PI * angleA / 180.0;
int[] xs = new int[3];
int[] ys = new int[3];
//1st corner is at the origin
xs[0] = 0; ys[0] = 0;
//Then the third corner is along the x axis from there to the length of side B
xs[2] = sideB; ys[2] = 0;
// The second corner is up a bit above the x axis. x could be negative.
// Note, when you draw it, the y axis extends downwards, so a positive y value will be drawn below the x axis.
xs[1] = (int)Math.Round(sideC * Math.Cos(angleARadians));
ys[1] = (int)Math.Round(sideC * Math.Sin(angleARadians));
//If Bx is negative, move all the points over until it's 0
if (xs[1] < 0)
int zeroX = xs[1] * -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
xs[i] += zeroX;
// Now centre the triangle on the canvas.
// Firstly find the width of the triangle. Point B could be to the left of A, or between A and C, or to the right of C.
// So the left most point of the triangle is the minimum of A or B, and the right most point is the maximum of B or C.
int minX = Math.Min(xs[0],xs[1]);
int maxX = Math.Max(xs[2], xs[1]);
//The height of the triangle is yB.
int offsetX = (panCanvas.Width - (maxX - minX)) / 2;
int offsetY = (panCanvas.Height - ys[1]) / 2;
//offset all the points by the same amount, to centre the triangle.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
xs[i] += offsetX;
ys[i] += offsetY;