I am trying to convert strings and integers to binary using fscanf and fwrite to write them to an output file.
My input file:
a 100
ab 99
abc 98
abcd 97
abcde 96
Each space separating the string and int on each line is a tab.
Here is my main.c file where the magic should be happening (but is not):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_LEN 30
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
FILE *ifp;
FILE *ofp;
if(argc != 4){
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: flag %s input-file output-file\n", argv[0]); exit(1);
if((ifp = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL){ /* error check to make sure the input file is open*/
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file: %s", argv[2]); exit(1);
puts("input file open\n");
if((ofp = fopen(argv[3], "wb")) == NULL){ /* Opens output file to write in binary*/
puts("couldnt open output file\n"); exit(1);
puts("output file open\n");
unsigned char tempstr[MAX_LEN];
unsigned int tempint;
while(fscanf(ifp, "%u %u\n",(unsigned int*)&tempstr, &tempint) == 2){
fwrite((const void*)&tempstr, sizeof(tempstr)+1, 1, ofp);
fwrite((const void*)&tempint, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, ofp);
puts("ran loop");
return 0;
When I run my code my while loop does not seem to be running(ie.the "ran loop" is not being output). Not sure where to go from here?
Also my calls at the command line are as follows:
./a.out main.c t1.txt t1.bin
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I believe this should get rid of the seg fault.
char *
instead of unsigned char *
char tempstr[30];
unsigned int tempint;
while (fscanf(ifp, "%s \t %i\n",tempstr, &tempint) == 2 ) {
fwrite((const void*)&tempstr, sizeof(tempstr)+1, 1, ofp);
fwrite((const void*)&tempint, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, ofp);
puts("ran loop");
Also I guess you don't need main.c
, while executing ./a.out ...
etc. You can change check for argc != 3
instead of 4
in your code.