Have a bubblesort routine similar to this. I need to make it more efficient by stopping the loop when the array is sorted or if the array is already sorted.
function sortNumbers(listbox) {
var x, y, holder;
// The Bubble Sort method.
for(x = 0; x < ranarray.length; x++) {
for(y = 0; y < (ranarray.length-1); y++) {
if(ranarray[y] > ranarray[y+1]) {
holder = ranarray[y+1];
ranarray[y+1] = ranarray[y];
ranarray[y] = holder;
Before enter the inner loop, create a boolean to check if a swap occured inside the inner loop. When the there is no swap the array is sorted.
function sortNumbers(listbox) {
var x, y, holder;
// The Bubble Sort method.
for(x = 0; x < ranarray.length; x++) {
var swapOccured = false;
for(y = 0; y < (ranarray.length-1); y++) {
if(ranarray[y] > ranarray[y+1]) {
holder = ranarray[y+1];
ranarray[y+1] = ranarray[y];
ranarray[y] = holder;
swapOccured = true;
if (!swapOccured) break;