Does anyone know of a Unity SDK for AWS Mobile Analytics?
Has anyone had success integrating AWS Mobile Analyics & a Unity application?
There is sparse information about the service and the support email is extremely slow to respond.
Looks like they have just released the Unity SDK for Mobile Analytics.
Shameless Copy:
void Start()
_analyticsManager = AmazonMobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(
new CognitoAWSCredentials(<cognitoIdentityPoolId>, <region>),
And a monetization event:
AmazonMobileAnalyticsMonetizationEvent monetizationEvent = new AmazonMobileAnalyticsMonetizationEvent();
monetizationEvent.Quantity = 3.0;
monetizationEvent.ItemPrice = 1.99;
monetizationEvent.ProductId = "health_booster";
monetizationEvent.ItemPriceFormatted = "$1.99";
monetizationEvent.Store = "Apple";
monetizationEvent.TransactionId = "TransactionId123";
monetizationEvent.Currency = "USD";