What's a good way to have custom (de)serializers that can be registered externally with dropwizard?
I was having problems with (de)serializing a composite object. I tried using @JsonUnwrapped
to get the JSON I wanted, but had problems with it for deserializing - it needs special constructors that take strings and requires the composite object to have knowledge on constructing the encapsulated objects. Also, I'd like a way of not having to use Jackson annotations on my value objects.
For example, I have:
public class SubmissionModule extends SimpleModule {
public SubmissionModule() {
addDeserializer(SubmissionDetails.class, new SubmissionDeserializer());
addSerializer(SubmissionDetails.class, new SubmissionSerializer());
public class SubmissionSerializer extends JsonSerializer<SubmissionDetails> {
public void serialize(SubmissionDetails value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
jgen.writeStringField("id", "" + value.getId());
jgen.writeStringField("title", value.getTitle());
jgen.writeStringField("abstract", value.getAbstract());
public class SubmissionDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<SubmissionDetails> {
public SubmissionDetails deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp);
return aSubmissionWithId(SubmissionId.from(node.get("id").asText()))
which I've registered in DropWizard like so:
bootstrap.getObjectMapper().registerModule(new SubmissionModule());
but I can't figure out if it's possible to register the (de)serializers with the Jersey Client (or the client available when using ResourceTestRule
Any ideas?
"but I can't figure out if it's possible to register the (de)serializers with the Jersey Client (or the client available when using ResourceTestRule). "
Check out the source code for ResourceTestRule. There's a method setMapper(ObjectMapper)
You can do something like
ObjectMapper mapper = Jackson.newObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new SubmissionModule());
public static final ResourceTestRule RULE
= new ResourceTestRule.Builder().setMapper(mapper).addResource(...).build();