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ActionBarSherlock and appcompat_v7

I have had an old application project that uses ActionBarSherlock. I have found it, and made a few changes to it. Now, I need to add new activities to the project, but when I try to do so, eclipse give me a lot of errors. The reason behind the errors is - I think - that the ActionBarSherlock and appcompat_v7 is interfering with each other as they are using the same resources. So my question is: Is there any way I can add new activities to my project without importing the new support library? (if I add them manually or copy them, they won't be in Manifest.xml)

Thanks in advance.


  • So my question is: Is there any way I can add new activities to my project without importing the new support library?

    Sure. Just don't use the new-activity wizard. Create the Java class the way you would any other Java class. Create the resources the way you would any other resources. Add the <activity> element to the manifest manually. And you're set.