I have a simple model
class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ad_items
class AdItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :ad
I have an "ads/new" view, that shows me the form for creating the new ad and adding some items to it
The .html.erb code is like a following:
<% form_for @ad, do |ad_form| %>
<!-- some html -->
<% ad_form.fields_for :ad_items do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area "comment", :class => "comment", :rows => "5" %>
<% end %>
<!-- some other html -->
<% ad_form.fields_for :ad_items do |f| %>
<% render :partial => "detailed_item_settings", :locals => {:f => f} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
When the ad has one item ...
def new
@ad = session[:user].ads.build
# Create one item for the ad. Another items will be created on the
# client side
# standard stuff ...
... resulting HTML, will look like this:
<form ... >
<!-- some html -->
<textarea id="ad_items_attributes_0_comment" name="ad[ad_items_attributes][0][comment]" />
<!-- some other html -->
<!-- "detailed_item_settings" partial's content -->
<textarea id="ad_ad_items_attributes_1_desc" name="ad[ad_items_attributes][1][desc]" />
<!-- end -->
As it states in the code, i use fields_for method twice, because of the HTML structure, that i must follow
For the second "fields_for" call, index for "item" is already 1, not 0, as i expect.
It's like, that by calling "fields_for" method, some internal counter will be incremented ...
But this is a little strange behaviour ...
I've tried to set :index => 0 for fields_for, but all stays the same ...
What's wrong here ?
You can set index manually for each item, but you have to iterate through your items for that to get item index:
<% ad_form.fields_for :ad_items do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area "comment", :class => "comment", :rows => "5" %>
<% end %>
<% ad_items.each_with_index do |item, i| %>
<% ad_form.fields_for :ad_items, item, :child_index => i do |f| %>
<% render :partial => "detailed_item_settings", :locals => {:f => f} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>